e-breakfast with... Food Safety and Traceability

We are pleased to announce another edition of the☕ e-breakfast ☕organised by EIT Food South dedicated to food safety and traceability, two fundamental pillars for ensuring the health and well-being of consumers. This event will bring together leading experts, EIT Food partners, and startups in the food sector to explore and discuss the latest innovations and best practices in these critical areas.

  • Date: December 13th, 2023

  • Time: 10 AM    

  • Format: Online

Guest Speakers:

  • Luis Chimeno - CTO Oscilum.

  • Beatriz Martínez- CSIC

  • Antonio Del Casale - Microbion.

  • Maurizio Paleologo Oriundi - Affidia

Join us! You'll be able to:

✅ Gain valuable insights from globally recognized experts in food safety, explore practical solutions to enhance traceability in the food supply chain.

✅ Connect with industry professionals and establish key relationships in the field of food safety.

✅ Discover the latest technological innovations shaping the future of food safety.

Don't miss the opportunity to be part of our e-breakfast. We look forward to having you in attendance!

👉 Join here: https://eitfood-eu.zoom.us/j/82206464074

e-breakfast with... Food Safety and Traceability

From 13/12/2023 10:00:00
à 13/12/2023 11:00:00
Le contenu suivant apparaitra sur tous les événements